Aspetuck Land Trust raising funds to preserve land near Mill River
The Aspetuck Land Trust is raising money to acquire land along the Mill River in Easton, and Nutmeg TU is urging anglers and clean water advocates to donate to ALT.
Aspetuck Land Trust has proposed that it purchase of 18.6 acres of the 29.5- acre South Park property owned by the Town of Easton, and an eye toward buying the entire property from Easton. The parcel currently being purchased is the most environmentally sensitive 18.6 acres, basically the shoreline of the Mill River.
The land is currently not protected in perpetuity by deed.
Conveyed to ALT, it will be deed restricted for preservation and conservation.
The $470,000 purchase price is exactly what an independent appraiser set.
The State of Connecticut agreed the price is fair and awarded ALT a $188,000 grant to help purchase the property based on it. ALT will pay the balance. The state’s grant award remains in full force and effect.
Click here to visit the Aspetuck Land Trust South Park website and donate.