Christmas Tree Collection
TU and ALT
Trees for Trout on January 11
Trout Unlimited and Aspetuck Land Trust will be collecting your old Christmas trees on Saturday, January 11 from 10AM to 1PM just past the first bridge (heading north) on Park Avenue in Easton.
We will “plant” the Christmas trees along the banks of the Mill River that flows through the Warner Angler Preserve. By anchoring them, we’re building up eroded banks to improve the depth of the river, the flow, and provide a better habitat for the wild brown and native brook trout population. We did this on a relatively short stretch of the Mill in 2024. The results are promising, and we plan to extend the bank restoration in 2025.
There will be a Trout Unlimited sign and volunteers from both Trout Unlimited and the Aspetuck Land Trust who’ll handle the trees for you; you won’t even need to leave your car.
Suggested $10 of donation will help pay for the anchors