DEEP biologist to speak March 24
Mike Humphreys, the DEEP Inland Fisheries Biologist for the western district, will be the speaker at the March meeting of Nutmeg TU, set for Tuesday, March 24, at 7 p.m. at Port 5, 69 Brewster St., Bridgeport.
Mike is a longtime fish biologist, holding an master’s degree from the University of Tennessee with more than 30 years in his profession.
In past 25 years with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, his work has focused on Statewide Stream Electrofishing Surveys, a Statewide Wild Trout Research and Management Project, and Housatonic River Research and Management.
Mike will be talking to us about his findings on trout survival with run of river in the Housatonic TMAs, various fish stocking programs, and regulation changes for some sections of the Mill River.