Ron Merly on sea run trout

Port 5 69 Brewster St., Bridgeport, CT, United States

Well known angler and guide Ron Merly talks about sea run trout, where to find them and efforts to bring them back.

Salt water fishing at Short Beach

Short Beach Route 113, Stratford, CT, United States

Ed Grzeda leads a salt water fishing trip to Short Beach in Stratford, at the mouth of the Housatonic River. Meet at 9 a.m., low tide is 10:30. Open to

Connecticut Council meeting

Connecticut Forestry & Parks Association 16 Meriden Road, Rockfall, CT, United States

The Connecticut Council of TU meets quarterly, usually on the fourth Wednesday of January, April, July and October. The council is a liaison among Connecticut's chapters and with national TU.

Nutmeg TU Board meeting

Fairfield Public Library 1080 Old Post Road, Fairfield, CT, United States

The Nutmeg TU Board plans events for Nutmeg TU Chapter 217. The board meets the first Tuesday of most months, usually at the Fairfield Public Library at 1080 Old Post

Steve Culton talks wet flies

Port 5 Naval Veterans Hall 69 Brewser St., Bridgeport, CT, United States

Soft hackle and wet fly expert Steve Culton visits Nutmeg TU. His talk is open to all, and anglers of all styles will learn presentation tips that will help them

Nutmeg TU Board meeting

Fairfield Public Library 1080 Old Post Road, Fairfield, CT, United States

The Nutmeg TU Board plans events for Nutmeg TU Chapter 217. The board meets the first Tuesday of most months, usually at the Fairfield Public Library at 1080 Old Post