Landing big steelheads and browns
Derrick Kirkpatrick of CTFishguides will give a presentation on fly fishing for large brown trout and steelhead in New York and Pennsylvania at the next regular meeting of Nutmeg TU Chapter 217 on Tuesday, Octt. 16.
The talk will cover proper dress and equipment, as well as the techniques needed to have a successful lake tributary outing.
The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. the third Tuesday of each month at the Fayerweather Yacht Club, 51 Brewster St. in the Black Rock section of Bridgeport. Free pizza.
Derrick’s background includes working for the Orvis Company and Cabelas.
He is pro-staffed by Hatch, Sage, Reddington, Rio, Hardy/Greys, St. Croix and Simms.
He attended Colorado guide school at the number one endorsed guide school in the country. He also writes bi-weekly columns for The Fisherman magazine and has appeared in other magazines.