Holiday party Tuesday; tenkara talk postponed
Nutmeg TU will hold its holiday party and hear a talk about tenkara-style fishing on Tuesday, Dec. 20, at 6:30 p.m. at Port 5, 69 Brewster St., in the Black
Nutmeg TU will hold its holiday party and hear a talk about tenkara-style fishing on Tuesday, Dec. 20, at 6:30 p.m. at Port 5, 69 Brewster St., in the Black
Sunday November 27 10:00 – Locate wild trout Redds on the upper Mill River The Nutmeg Chapter of Trout Unlimited is planning to again survey and identify wild trout Redds
New member Joey Ortiz, helped by TU Regional Coordinator Jesse Vadala, organized a cleanup of the Pequonnock River between Quarry Road and Beardsley Park on Sunday, Nov. 13.
Learn how to tie the versatile streamer Goldie, and other favorite flies, at the nest general meeting of Nutmeg TU Tuesday, Nov. 15, at Port 5, 69 Brewster St., Bridgeport.